viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011




Composite construction is well established for some decades as a construction method but it has traditionally used hot rolled steel sections rather than light steel (cold formed) sections. The main components of traditional composite construction have been hot rolled steel framework, steel decking, shear connectors and in-situ concrete with mesh reinforcing steel. The benefits of this construction method are several and the most important of them are speed of construction due to the rapid erection of the steel framework, economy in use of materials, robustness to damage and good performance in service.

To these benefits some more can be added if light steel sections are used instead of the traditional hot rolled. The advantage that light steel gives are basically two: that cold formed steel is cheaper that hot rolled and that is also lighter in weight. Light steel framing comprises galvanized cold formed steel sections of C or Z or similar forms of 1.2 to 3.2 mm thickness. Previous works have studied how these sections behave as beams or columns under different loads cases, but the composite action of light steel sections with in-situ concrete is a field not yet fully explored.

Composite light steel beams use back to back double C sections rather than hot rolled steel I beams, but the general form of construction is similar to conventional composite construction. Importantly, welded shear connectors cannot be used for the relatively thin steel used in light steel construction, and therefore it has been necessary to develop alternative forms of shear connectors using powder actuated, or pneumatically driven pins. These shear connectors use profiled strip steel elements which are fixed by pins. To know the resistance and behaviour of these innovative shear connectors some tests have been carried out determine the design resistance of these connectors.

The aim of this project is to provide guidance on the design of composite beams using light steel sections, a carefully study has been carried out getting eventually design examples which illustrate the calculus method and can be adapted in a easy way to a design particular characteristic, and design tables to aid rapid selection of light steel sections, depending on the span, the loading and the steel grade used.

To be able to achieve the objectives a progressive work has been carried out. First a literature review on generic forms of composite construction such as composite slabs and beams as well as the types of shear connectors was carried out. The review also types of the materials involved and their properties. With the information already available from previous studies it was possible to get deeper knowledge of the specific shear connectors and beams sections used in composite light steel construction.

Once the materials resistance values and elements dimensions are known, the design of the composite slabs and composite beams was studied. However using cold formed steel sections (slender), the thin thickness of the steel, means that there are some differences in the calculation of the resistance capacity of the composite beam. These differences have been taken into account and to show how the design process of a composite beam works, two design examples have been developed step by step. One is for the case when the beam is not propped during the construction stage and the other one for when the beam is propped. Following this process design tables have been computed for the cases of propped and unpropped and using different steel grades and imposed load. With tables is quite difficult to get a general idea of which relations exist between the different variables, this is the reason why some graphs are presented which show the relations with clarity. The objective of these design tables and graphs are for use during the design stage, making it easier for engineer selection the light steel section base on loading and the span required.



Jitesh Cherukkadu Parambil, M S
The University of Texas at Arlington, 2010
Supervising Professors: Kent L. Lawrence, Wen S. Chan

The advantage of material properties and flexibility of choosing material have made composite materials a primary preference for structural application. Unlike isotropic materials, the parametric study of composite beams for optimized design is complicated due to high number of parameters involved in designing like lay-up sequence, and layer configuration.

Moreover, the limitations of FEA techniques in designing have created a need for an analytical closed-form solution for stress analysis of laminated composite beams. The objective of this study focuses on the development of an analytical method for stress analysis of composite Ibeam.

This method includes the structural response due to unsymmetrical and/or unbalanced of laminate as well as unsymmetrical I-beam cross-section. These structural characteristics are often ignored in the most published studies. Analytical closed-form expressions for the sectional properties such as centroid, axial and bending stiffnesses of composite I-beam are derived.

These sectional properties are then used to calculate the stress and strain of each ply of I-beam at any given location. Further, a finite element model is created using commercial software ANSYS 11.0 classic. The stress and strain results obtained by analytical method have excellent agreement with the results obtained from the finite element analysis.

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011



Las vigas son elementos estructurales que están compuestas generalmente por concreto y acero. Debido que el concreto no soporta grandes fuerzas en flexión es necesario reforzarlo con acero y así conformar un elemento completo en sus características físicas.

Las construcciones cada día avanzan mas ya sea en cantidad como en su tamaño, se busca que los elementos de las estructuras soporten grandes cargas y para esto se están utilizando las secciones compuestas en todo el mundo.

En esta investigación se busca encontrar el comportamiento y la mayor efectividad de la vigas con sección compuestas con perfilería en I, utilizando la comparación de datos obtenidos mediante ensayos de laboratorio de las diferentes estructuras internas de las vigas a estudiar.

Debido a que la amenaza sísmica que se presenta en Colombia y más exactamente en Pereira. En los últimos años se ha venido incrementando esta actividad, se hace indispensable conocer el comportamiento de este tipo de elementos para lograr que nuestras construcciones soporten con mayor efectividad las cargas sísmicas y así lograr disminuir la pérdida de vidas y dinero.

La necesidad de elaborar construcciones más seguras y con elementos que soporten mayores cargas, es necesario estudiar el comportamiento de vigas de concreto compuestas reforzado con perfilaría en I,  para así poder tener mas posibilidades en cuanto al refuerzo de estas y usarlas con certeza en cuanto a su efectividad. 

A pesar de que este tipo de elementos compuestos ya es utilizado para la construcción, no se tiene conocimiento de una investigación o antecedentes del comportamiento de este tipo de viga cuando se somete a cargas que la lleven a la falla a nivel local, por ende es necesaria conocer este comportamiento para así comparar su efectividad frente a las vigas tradicionales de concreto reforzado.